Chain of Dialogues
劉曉江 Lawrence Lau




活動後段 (12月期間),將會以一場「連鎖對話約會」,作為契機,讓參與過問答的群眾聚首同一空間,繼續以聲音/音樂創造共同經歷,探索彼此進一步溝通的可能。

When we talk about “community” we talk a lot about sharing. Common terms like “collective memories”, “space sharing” and “social conventions” are all about shared understanding. In Wanchai, where its number of commuter is much larger than its number of usual residents, is there another way to look for its common ground?

Using sound as a medium, you are invited to attend an interview. Your answers will be recorded, and the questions you posted will link up with the next interviewee. These chained questions and answers will become a platform. Each interviewee will also suggest a song as a gesture of courtesy for the next one. All these will add up to create a unique Wanchai soundscape.

Lawrence will carry out the “chain of dialogues” on the streets in Wanchai in September to November. Looking forward to the encounters with you!

There will be a “chain of dialogues gathering” in the end. All interviewees will be invited to meet at a physical space. They will continue to create a collective experience with sound and music, and opening up a continuous dialogue.

Photo credit: 謝柏齊 Tse Pak-chai



People who participated in the ‘dialogue’ will receive the notification privately.

對象:對「連鎖對話」有興趣但無緣在街頭接受 Lawrence 訪問的朋友
日期:2021年12月18日 (星期六)
時間:7:00pm - 8:00pm


Online Enrollment
Photo credit: 謝柏齊 Tse Pak-chai



1. 【連鎖對話】 - 劉曉江 Lawrence Lau

2. 《連鎖對話 — 神秘音樂約會》(節錄)

「活動當日參加者與參加者之間的交流頻繁,我想是因為氣氛使然,人們聽著滿有內容的聲音作品,想獨處的可細心拆解聲帶的組合或是單純地欣賞音樂,想跳舞可自己原地舞動或是走入躍動的人群之中,想了解多點活動前因後果又可到台前閱讀藝術家的筆記和前奏展覽的留言簿,想認識新朋友又有問答環節或是留聲裝置去作免去尷尬的破冰,現場熱絡但又沒有群體壓力,緊密往來但又沒侵犯私人空間,令人感覺自在。社區的縮影不過如此,即有團體又有個體,每人都有一席位置,互相尊重,互相欣賞,沒有誰比誰微細,也沒有誰比誰重要,在如此容讓的藝術創作之中,我好像看到了平等,以及計算不來的真誠連結。」... 閱讀全文

劉曉江 Lawrence Lau

先後於香港演藝學院及香港城市⼤大學獲取其學士及碩士學位,分別主修作曲及電⼦⾳樂與創意媒體藝術。作為一名作曲家、電子⾳樂人、聲音藝術家,其聲音作品包括室內樂、管弦樂、中國樂、現場電子樂、聲音設計、裝置等。他同時熱衷於在劇場創作中探索各種概念和語言。曾參與《浮⼠德》、《梅瑟原則》、《世界(曾經)是平的》、《跳著舞去火星》及《⾝體活》等劇場作品。於媒體藝術方向,他亦以創作、表演者、聲音設計及作曲家等角色參參與裝置及視聽現場的創作。曾參加的藝術展覽包括:北京民生美術館《時間迷宮》、北京時代美術館《超級對撞》、今日美術館《Future of Today》及3-Legged Dog NYC《Developing the Future.zip》、華盛頓 D.C. Artechouse現場等。

Lawrence Lau Hiu-kong graduated with a Bachelor of Music in Composition and Electronic Music from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and obtained a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Media from the City University of Hong Kong. He is the recipient of a number of scholarships, including those from HSBC, the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH), The Lions and Joseph Koo Music Foundation and Musicus Society. Lau’s works span from composition, live performance and audiovisual art, and have been performed in Hong Kong and internationally including at the Asian Composer League Conference and Festival (Taiwan), Hong Kong Arts Festival, highSCORE Festival (Italy) and Musicus Fest. His recent productions for theatre include: Faust, Das Prinzip, Meese and The World Was Once Flat. Lau also creates media artworks, which have been exhibited in the Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing Time Art Museum, Today Art Museum (Beijing), 3LD Art & Technology Centre (New York) and Artechouse (Washington).