25.06.2021 (五 Fri) 8pm
26.06.2021 (六 Sat) 4pm & 8pm
27.06.2021 (日 Sun) 4pm
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall
$280[$140 優惠票價 Concessionary Ticket]
門票於各城市售票網售票處、網上、流動購票應用程式My URBTIX (Android及iPhone版)及電話購票熱線發售
Tickets are available at all URBTIX outlets, on Internet, by mobile ticketing app My URBTIX (Android and iPhone versions) and telephone.
Credit Card Telephone Booking:
2111 5999
Internet Booking:
Ticketing Enquiries:
3761 6661
節目查詢 Programme Enquiries:
* 設有六十歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及看護人及全日制學生優惠為$140。
* 集體購票優惠 – 每次購買正價門票4張或以上 – 9折
Due to specific arrangement, NO latecomers will be admitted. Audience is advised to arrive punctually!
Running time of each performance is about 60 minutes without intermission.
Performed in Cantonese, with English subtitles.
Suitable for ages 12 and above.
Discount Scheme
Concessionary ticket of $140 are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder, and full-time students
Group Booking Discount – 10% off for each purchase of 4 or more standard tickets;
香港大會堂劇院 – 中環愛丁堡廣場
Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall – Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong
電話 Tel: 2921 2840
馬琼珠 Ivy Ma x 吳子昆 Ng Tsz-kwan
尋索的是一種「意狀」 (state of mind)。
《躺在桌上的物件》源自對 Gertrude Stein 提出有關「風景劇場」(landscape theatre) 以及她創作的同名劇本的觸動:視覺的、非敘事式、意狀的。創作從桌上的物件出發,以物象、景象與影像去構作,引發對於繪畫、影像、投映,以至舞台/劇場等不同創作框架的思考。
兩位視覺藝術家初次踏進劇場,邀請了編舞家黃大徽參與創作演出,離開舞蹈的探問,探索另一種的表演狀態。團隊還有越洋參與聲境及音樂創作的著名作曲及聲音藝術家Mark Fell,以及燈光設計師馮國基以光去形塑不同意狀的視覺經驗。
Theatre can be the scenes of landscape paintings.
It can also be a cinema.
When a theatre is a theatre, it can create spaces of illusions.
Theatre can simply be a ‘site of presence’, where artists, performers and audience conceive a work synchronously.
The proscenium stage provides the audience with a perspective to enter, Inadvertently, from a frame to another; the frames transform, or we transcend…
Realising that the ‘state of mind’ is what we are looking for.
Originated from Gertrude Stein’s notion of ‘landscape theatre’ in which visual, non-narrative and state of mind were highlighted in theatre poetics, this work is inspired by the writer’s lesser-known play Objects Lie on A Table. Simulated by objects that lay on a table, the setting progresses from still lifes to sceneries and cinematic constructions. From there, the journey will go forth to a boundless realm of rethinking painting, moving images, projection, stage, theatre and so on. This theatrical piece is premiered by two visual artists, in collaboration with celebrated choreographer Dick Wong who disputes the nature of dance; the idiosyncratic crossover is going to testify to an alternative state of performance. Also joined by internationally renowned composer and sound artist Mark Fell, together with prolific lighting designer Gabriel Fung, our trailblazing caravan looks forward to welcoming you into our unparallel multi-sensory melting pot.
馬琼珠 Ivy MA
馬琼珠從事繪畫、攝影及裝置藝術。在香港和英國接受藝術教育,曾在香港舉辦多個個展。2007年,取得亞洲文化協會利希慎基金獎助金。2012年,獲香港當代藝術獎青年藝術家獎。2015年系列作品〈去年〉於2020 年為美國三藩市現代藝術博物館所收藏。
Ivy MA is a Hong Kong artist working in drawings, paintings, photography and mixed-media installation. Having studied fine art in Hong Kong and the United Kingdom, she has held a number of solo exhibitions in Hong Kong. She was an Asian Cultural Council grantee in 2007 and received Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards, Young Artist Award in 2012. Her series of works ‘Last Year’ (2015) was collected by San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) in 2020.
吳子昆 Ng Tsz-kwan
yucolab創辦人及行政創作總監。於2000年在英國中央聖馬丁藝術設計學院考獲碩士,其後曾出任多間本地大專院校的講師。除本地展覽外,作品亦獲邀於英國、德國、美國、芬蘭、日本、韓國等地展出。藝術創作專注於沉浸式多感官體驗和空間為本裝置,結合非語境零散流動影像構作。從而探究電影媒介以及觀眾接收流動影像之間的關係。其中,他近年創作的「Solitude Cinema」系列,設置自動移動的座椅,在展場空間以特定軌道導航,讓觀眾從特定角度、距離及時間內觀看影像裝置。
Co-founder and Executive Creative Director of yucolab, Kwan has long been devoted to electronic arts and video creations. With his Master Degree in Fine Art from the Central Saint Martins College of Art in London in 2000, he has been lecturing in multimedia, electronic arts, and design departments of certain universities in Hong Kong. In addition to numerous local exhibitions, Kwan’s works have been exhibited in UK, Germany, US, Finland, Japan and Korea. In Kwan’s art practice, he has been consistently developing immersive, multisensory and space-oriented experiential installations on decontextualized, fragmented moving images. His works often question and explore the medium of the cinema and perception of viewing. In the Solitude Cinema (series) that he has developed in recent years, it provides a very cinematographic experience, in which viewer sits on an automated moving chair to navigates between the works in the space with specific angles and distances and for specific durations.
創作 / 製作團隊 Creative / Production Team
創作監製 Creative Producer
黎蘊賢 Orlean Lai
聯合導演 Co-Directors
馬琼珠 Ivy Ma
吳子昆 Ng Tsz-kwan
創作演出 Creative Performer
黃大徽 Dick Wong
作曲及聲音藝術家 Composer and Sound Artist
Mark Fell (英國 UK)
燈光設計 Lighting Design
馮國基 Gabriel Fung
製作經理 Production Manager
陳結榮 Wingo Chan
舞台舞台監督 Stage Manager
陸和平 Luk Wo-ping
執行舞台監督 Deputy Stage Manager
陳樂詩 Chan Lok-sze
平面設計 Graphic Design
郭健超 Pollux Kwok
宣傳品攝影 Promotional Photo
石明輝 Phil Shek
演後分享會 After Performance Sharing
03.07.2021 (六 Sat) 4:30pm
艺鵠 Art and Culture Outreach
香港灣仔軒尼斯道365-367號 富德樓 14樓
14/F, Foo Tak Building, 365-367 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
免費參與 Free Admission
廣東話進行 Conduct in Cantonese
嘉賓 guest:
陳育強 Kurt Chan
Retired professor and visual artist
分享會場地支持 Venue Support for Sharing Talk
艺鵠 Art and Culture Outreach
策劃及製作 Curated & produced by

項目計劃資助 Project Grant
藝能發展資助計劃 Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme
香港特別行政區政府 HKSAR Government
技術支持 Technical Support

The presenter reserves the right to change the programme and substitute artists should unavoidable circumstances make it necessary.
The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.