Experiencing Self-recognition
An experience without any fixed date, time or sequence, you are invited to wander around the busy Wanchai. Uncover your very own way to love yourself and care for others. “Experiencing Self-recognition” consists of three activities linked up by the idea of “self-reflection”:
Love Yourself Drifting Cards
Follow the cards to different street corners in Wanchai. Take a new card, see how it tells about your self-love fortune. It may remind you of something you missed or forgot. It may advise you to or not *to* do something. You can take the card with you to gain its energy of love. The next time at the same spot or another location, put back the card, take a new one, and so forth. Let the cards flow like water. Let them come and go.
Adjust your mood and renew yourself every time. Embrace yourself, learn “give” and “take”. Don’t own anything, do share everything. Let the energy of self-love flow around the city.
distribution period: Sept-Oct 2021
**派完即止 upon availability
派發地點 distribution outlets:
will be announced soon, stay tuned!
Confessing with Black
Make a private date with Black. Consult her to see through yourself. Tell her what is hindering you. Untie the knot in your heart. Reassure yourself. Learn how to heal yourself.
Programme will be held in late Sept to Oct. Details will be announced soon, stay tuned!
Blackhole Sound Appreciation
Black is a kind of energy: the origin of all existence, the home of silence and tranquillity. Black is a kind of freedom: in total darkness, we open our five senses in full and feel the infinity of even the slightest vibration. Alone but not lonely.
Close eyes. Open eyes. Initially, there is nothing to see but then unexpected sceneries will appear gradually. This will be a journey to appreciate blackness and sound. A journey to release and discover. A journey to centre ourselves, to reinforce courage and confidence, and to assert life.
will be announced soon, stay tuned!
素黑 Black (Su Hei)
An experience without any fixed date, time or sequence, you are invited to wander around the busy Wan Chai. Uncover your very own way to love yourself and care for others. “Experiencing Self-recognition” consists of three activities linked up by the idea of “self-reflection”:
Love Yourself Drifting Cards
隨漂流卡到灣仔區的不同角落,隨心抽一張,看看今天的自愛運程。也許它會提提你忽略或忘記了什麼,應該或不該做什麼。你可以帶它走,讓愛能量隨身。改天,你回到同一處,或者漂到另一處,放回卡,重新抽,帶它走,帶回去…… 讓卡如水漂流,來又去,去又回。
Follow the cards to different street corners in Wan Chai. Take a new card, see how it tells about your self-love fortune. It may remind you of something you missed or forgot. It may advise you to or not to do something. You can take the card with you to gain its energy of love. The next time at the same spot or another location, put back the card, take a new one, and so forth. Let the cards flow like water. Let them come and go.
Adjust your mood and renew yourself every time. This is a way to love yourself by learning to “give” and “take”, not to own, but to share. Let the energy of self-love flow around the city.
Drifting period: Oct-Dec 2021
**派完即止 upon availability
Drifting Map
漂流點 drifting outlets:
Jack's Flowers
。星期一至六,9am - 7:30 pm
。星期日,10am - 7:30 pm
位於汕頭街13號。Every Bouquet Tells a Story是Jack's flowers的宗旨,除了運用當季鮮花葉材,他們還會細心了解送花的目的和後面故事,從他們的花藝可以感受到他們默默的努力和心思。
SP Dance and Gift Concept
。星期一至六,11:30am - 8:30pm
。星期日,12noon - 6pm
位於利東街G37地舖。以茶花美食呈現雅緻愉悅好生活。在優雅的空間中融入 SP 生活美學,配合美食、花禮、茶禮,分享雅緻愉悅的生活方式。
開放時間:10am - 6pm(星期三及特別公眾假期休館)
位於藍屋。以「從民間出發 ‧ 匯多元文化」為宗旨,透過民眾參與及連結不同的合作伙伴,舉辦多元化的社區文化及藝術活動,推廣本土文化特色,期望活化社區,並作為社區平台,促進社區互動交流。
SINCE Concept Store
營業時間:星期一至日,11am - 7pm
開放時間:星期一至日,12noon - 6pm
位於霎西街3A號,46呎開放式舖位。麻雀雖小,五臟俱全。寄賣不同的手作、精品、小誌,歡迎大家去歇歇腳,和店員談天說地,時不時有pop up活動,如「一夜店長」。是一個把創意、品味、人情巧妙地結合的地方。
。星期一至五(公眾假期除外),8am - 6pm
。星期六、日及公眾假期,10am - 6pm
Photo credit: 戴毅龍 Tai Ngai-lung
Confessing with Black
Make a private date with Black. Consult her to see through yourself. Tell her what is hindering you. Untie the knot in your heart. This is a way to recognize yourself, and to learn self-healing methods.
50 minutes per section. All conversation in the event will be completely confidential and will not be reproduced in any form (including anonymity).
9月底-10月中 End of September - Mid October
26/09/2021 (日Sun), 03/10/2021 (日Sun), 08/10/2021 (五 Fri),
09/10/2021 (六 Sat), 16/10/2021 (六 Sat), 23/10/2021 (六 Sat)
in between 12noon - 6pm期間
Venue will be announced after registration received
All age and gender are welcome. Priority will be given to Wanchai-er
語言 Language :廣東話 Cantonese
Wanchai-er: Person that is living in Wanchai, working in Wanchai or always be there in Wanchai District for some reason
網上報名 (已截止)
Online Enrollment (Ended)
"Quietly Open Up Our Five Senses" Experience
樂師:Ocean Chan
茶師:人在草木 (李天安)
Host: Black
Musician: Ocean Chan
Tea master: Poetéa (Season Li)
In Wanchai, there is too much noise, too little quietness.
Too much talking, too much idle thinking, too little listening, especially to the hearts.
Entrapped in exhaustion, we don’t know what we really need.
Please pause when life becomes too worn-out; cultivate poise and serenity.
Give yourself a special moment, a moment to relocate your core.
Awaken the five senses through bodywork, singing bowls, frame drums and tea ceremony etc.
In sound and silence, movement and stillness, we will discover, in well-being, a brand new world.
*活動須報名,名額有限。Registration required.
30/11/2021 (二 Tue)
灣仔活動中心 Wan Chai Activities Centre
LG/F, Wan Chai Market, 258 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
語言 Language :廣東話 Cantonese
Online Enrollment
Photo credit: 謝柏齊 Tse Pak-chai
1. 【和自己相認體驗】 - 素黑 SuHei (Black)
2. 《城巿中的幽壑》(節錄)
素黑 Black (Su Hei)
A well-known healer-writer in both Hong Kong and Mainland China, Black (Su Hei) is the Director of Heart Resonance Consultant; a life management consultant; and the first Student Development Mentor of the Department of Sociology at Peking University.
She is selected as “representative author” for Theme of the Year "Inspiring the Mind and Refreshing the Soul" in the 2021 Hong Kong Book Fair.
She has over twenty years of clinical experience, and is hailed as ‘Queen of Healing’, ‘Principal Emotional Healer-Writer in the Chinese World’, and the ‘Therapeutic Antidote to Our Age’, captivating the world’s Chinese communities with ‘Su Hei-style’ love.
Her prose style has been described as: ‘directly touching one’s heart, calmly elegant, strong but gentle, holding a power and profundity comparable to that of a black hole’; ‘capable of exposing our obstinacy and perplexity in one sentence’.
Her books are the close companions of doctors, professors, celebrities, monks, and common persons alike.
She said, ‘You are here not to see me, but to see yourself’.
She is the founder of “Asagi & Tree Healing Space”, where her clients come from different parts of the world. She has developed sound healing devices such as centering singing bowl and self-healing tuning forks, and has overseen the production of her own series of aromatherapy oils for emotional healing purposes.
She has toured around China and Malaysia, holding over one hundred seminars and courses on topics such as the importance of self-love and self-improvement. In these sessions she has also demonstrated the effectiveness of sound therapy and taught techniques relating to emotional first aid. Such events were widely attended by tens of thousands of learners and members of the press.
Her most representative works include Love Yourself Better, which has sold over one million copies; Love to Nourish, Love to Transform, which topped best-selling charts in place of Steve Jobs during the first week of its release; and No Fear in Loneliness, which has been put on recommended reading lists by university professors, and is widely read amongst mindfulness and meditation practitioners.